Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My blood boils

At many instances. I am usually very cool, but can't bear situations like, when u are kept waiting for a long at a traffic junction for sake some BABU who usually will have a parade of cars... Yesterday, on the way to my room suddenly saw a dozen of traffic police trying to stop ppl from all the 4 sides of the junction in order to give a way to some JUNK fellow(I really want to use the meanest word for the 99% of the current politicians).

Forbes says politician is the worlds best job ( ) and this job is almost constant with time. But for anyone to qualify for this job, one should have a strong muscle, records with police station (early in life), and a bit of money to start with.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Wayward Thoughts

Ohhhhhh, finally checked in the code for new CLI (it was a bit tight schedule). Now I can find lot of holes in my schedule :-) .

Last 20 days had been a roller coaster as far as my thoughts were concerned, they were trying to figure out something or trying to sway towards (what?), in futile. I got frustrated with these wayward thoughts even sesnsed my head heating up... for nothing.

Last week, I had been to my home town (Warangal). It was a nice break, met R. Kiran (returned from London in the same week), and played with niece at home. Over all this trip worked well to cool my head.

During this time, completed 80% of the book 80 / 20 principle (by Richard. Koch). I liked this book because of its content (its more of real world behavior observation). Unlike mgmt book it rarely tried preaching something.

During my return journey from Warangal to Hyderabad, at one stretch (for 1 hr) the weather was fabulous with cool breeze, sky totally clouded (day turned to dark) and greenery every where... thought, no need to go anywhere to enjoy the nature.

Surprise Surprise,

For the first time removed my moustache.. (NO its not going to be permanent) on day 1 looked ugly (to myself, anyway mirror won't lie), but from day 2 onwards felt NOT BAD. I have a snap but not daring to show it :-)