Monday, June 04, 2007

Amazing story

All one need to get noticed is will power, and the ability to execute.

Over the weekend I have read the success story of Nimmagadda Prasad (Eenadu Weekly Telugu Magazine dated 3rd June 2007). He neither had the best brain or best degree, but his zeal got him what he wanted. Now people are looking at him in awe as the Fastest wealth creator in Indian pharma space

His ability in identifying the best resources, and his courage fetched him the wealth. A partly borrowed investment of Rs 3 core resulted in Rs 500+ cores of personal wealth 6 years down the line. That is truly amazing.

Bob Nelson, the author of Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You! Do What Needs To Be Done says that, each and every person should try stretching ones role beyond the assigned and should use ones discretion in deciding the course of action. This habit will let us be prepared against challenges (Courtesy Suresh Maridi ).

Nimmagadda Prasad thought in similar lines and decided to join a startup Vorin Labs. He believed in growing along with a small company as it provides a good platform in expanding ones skills in diverse aspects of the business. He used his discretion in buying Heren Drugs, a loss making company with good R & D infrastructure, and the result is apparent now.

Its not only his personal wealth, but his contribution to the nation in form of employment generation is tremendous. I always adore such people.

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