Thursday, April 10, 2008

Achieve goals by becoming a self leader

Every one aspires to be a leader, and achieve heights. Here is tool to help us realizing our dreams, a book titled Self leadership and the one minute manager.

Leadership can't be taught any better than the story presented in this book, grab this book for your betterment (this looks like the gist). Simple, elegant narration makes it a good read, the volume of the book makes us more interested in finishing it in a single go.

The Key points for me are

- People are not mind readers, so don't assume things and ask for what you want or convey how you feel (i.e challenge assume constraints)

- Become empowered by making use of points of power (relationship, task, personal, and knowledge etc)

- At every state, based on your competence and commitment, seek direction or support to get things done. Such a practice should make us a self leader

- Any one who can provide us the required support, or direction is a leader

- Never turn away from responsibilities

- Measure your competence and commitment at every stage, seek what you need to proceed

- Collaborate with people for fruitful results

- Make better use of the most powerful sentence in English I NEED

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